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Communication – How To Develop More Engaged Employees

You work closely together every day yet how well do you really know your employees? If your meetings are all business it may be time to take another approach and really get to know your team. Take a few minutes each day to check in – it’s a great way to show you care about someone and can instantly improve morale.

Checking in can be as simple as saying “hi” with a smile when you arrive in the morning. If you have a team member who works remotely send an IM or Google chat and say “good morning.” Setting a positive tone to begin the day can improve the mood and shows you are interested in them as a person.

But it takes more than “hi” to show someone you care. Ask follow up questions – if it’s a Monday ask how their weekend was. If they just got back from a vacation don’t bombard them with stuff they need to get caught up on. Returning from vacation is hard enough without your manager nagging you about an upcoming deadline. Create a policy of a “transition day” where the person is given some space to re-integrate and is not expected to attend every meeting.

Offer to help! Check in to see if your employees need assistance. Creating a regular open time on your calendar signals that you care. Be pro-active if the company strategy has changed and help your team re-align their goals and priorities.

Give regular feedback both positive and developmental. I can almost guarantee that your employees will appreciate your leadership if you take the time to help them chart a course. But it takes more than giving feedback to develop engagement; ask about their personal and professional goals and what you can do to help. Provide opportunities for a “passion project” something that might not be directly part of their responsibilities but would benefit them and the organization.

Ask about their long term goals and the skills or training they need to develop. Having these conversations may not come naturally to you or your team at first

but if you have them on a regular basis it will become second nature and part of your culture. After all, who wouldn’t want to work with someone who is looking out for them?

Over time, these discussions can not only improve performance and engagement, it will help your team become stronger and more successful.

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