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Employee Retention Starts with Onboarding

Does your company have an effective onboarding plan? A recent survey from Monster showed that almost 30% of the respondents have left a job within the first 90 days because the new position didn’t match up with expectations.

Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into the organization and is much more than an employee orientation. Onboarding is about providing the training, tools and technology for new hires to be successful at your organization.

Employers should use the onboarding process as a way for new hires to be assimilated into their new role. New employees need to know what the company expects from them and what their role is in the overall company strategy.

There is a direct link between engaged employees and company profitability, turnover rate and customer satisfaction. An effective onboarding plan provides structured resources and training that reinforces a commitment to professional growth and development for each individual.

Managers should be trained to give structured feedback to new hires to ensure they have the support they need on the job.

According to SHRM the cost of replacing an employee can be 6-9 months salary and includes lower productivity and reduced morale among remaining employees in addition to the cost of recruiting and training.

Onboarding is an ongoing process that requires continued efforts to achieve results and is a long-term investment in the people you hire to make your business successful.

Aisling Byrne, SHRM-SCP, CEBS, CMS is the CHRO at Artemiste Consulting helping companies build an exceptional employee experience that propels business growth. Ms. Byrne is a frequent contributor to the Atemiste blog on many topics including onboarding, talent development, performance management, compensation planning and learning and development.

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