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Employee Recognition

We know that when employees feel valued, they’re more engaged and motivated and likely will go above and beyond for their company. Yet, many companies have not implemented some simple steps to improve employee morale which has a direct impact on the bottom line. Creating an employee recognition program shows you value your employees.

Here’s how to get started:

Be Specific

Be specific about why you are giving recognition. Instead of saying “you did a great job last month” give a specific example of what the person did and how they did it. What was the impact of their work? Give some detail on why their actions were meaningful.

Recognition as Motivation

We all like to hear we’re doing a great job, but not everyone wants to hear it in the same way. Some prefer to receive recognition in private vs. publically.

Think about the type of recognition what will motivate the employee you want to show your appreciation. Is the person shy or outgoing? Do they like to be in the spotlight or prefer to work behind the scenes?

Mission and Values

Recognize actions that reinforce company mission and values and encourage others to do the same. Seeing examples of the type of actions the company rewards will result in more of the same behaviors.

Creative Ways to Show Appreciation

Your company culture should have a big impact on the type of recognition program. Is your company sales driven? Customer focused? In a start up mode?

Ever gotten a gift that you immediately re-gifted to someone else? Recognition that isn’t wanted won’t be valued. We can’t emphasize this enough - think about the type of recognition that will be motivating to the employee you want to recognize and then do just that!

· Giving a gift card should please just about everyone. It doesn’t need to be a huge amount or at a fancy store? Make it personal and give a gift card for something they like to do in their personal time whether it’s going to the movies or doing home improvements.

· Share an employee’s accomplishments with others. Make an announcement at a company meeting, post it on your website or newsletter or send an email.

· Give the gift of time. Your employee likely worked extra hours to achieve their goal. Give your employee an extra day of vacation or a personal day to show your appreciation.

· Growth opportunities. Does this person want to grow their career? Create a development plan to help them get there – provide tuition reimbursement or send them to a conference.

· On a budget? Bring in bagels or take the person to lunch. Recognition programs don’t need to be expensive to achieve the desired effect.

Whatever you choose to do be sure to recognize employees in real time not weeks or months later. Recognize effort as well as results. Did someone learn a new software program or cover for a colleague on vacation?

Allow your employees to nominate a person to recognize. Peers may know more about an employee’s accomplishments or what makes them a great team player than you do.

Ask for input. Survey your employees to find out what would make them feel valued and what you can do to improve your employee recognition strategy.

Artemiste Consulting offers a wide range of Human Resources services to help your business needs. We understand the challenges employers are facing and will work with you to ensure you have the best guidance and tools available.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation

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